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Eau Fraîche Ecoló -bouquet di papaveri rossi 3.png

Pour Toi: the essence

it makes sense choose a fragrance very special
Scent has an amazing ability to capture memories,
Pour Toi will remind you wonderful times for years to come.

a little luxury to yourselves

outstanding creations of  rare essences, we using ancestral and uniquely techniques,to pursuit absolute perfection
Expert craftspeople take pride in every drop that goes into a distinguished customers

One of our customers Green wrote after receiving it:
You composed an enjoyable and unique perfume experience,embraces the artisanal heart,sophisticated and timeless ,finely crafted and immaculately blended.
Experience to be treasured.

Pour Toi is a unique personal scent
he true spirit of Green Energy Organics

Una collezione di Eaux Fraîches
evocanti l'atmosfera vibrante della  natura

fresche,raffinate e frizzanti,
ricordano un'allegra passeggiata nella natura

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