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(Privacy protection)

PRIVACY POLICY Updated 06.06.2020
Green Energy Organics with registered office in Via Plinio 13, 20129 Milan and VAT number 09552120967 (the "Company" or "we"), as data controller pursuant to and for the purposes of Article 2359 of the Italian Civil Code  intends to inform you about the methods and purposes through which it collects, processes and communicates the personal data concerning you through the website ("Site") and the services connected to it ("Services"), in compliance of all applicable laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal data and with particular reference to: (i) Regulation (EU) no. 679 of 27 April 2016 (the so-called General Data Protection Regulation or "RGPD"), applicable from 25 May 2018; and (ii) any further law, regulation or provision of the competent national and European authorities regarding the protection of personal data (hereinafter, jointly, the "Applicable Privacy Law").
Please note that the Services include the possibility to purchase Company products and to participate in initiatives organized by us individually or in collaboration with other Groups.
The Company is the owner of the processing of personal data (that is, information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person - as an interested party) collected directly by you through the Site and the Services. These data are processed in accordance with this Notice and the Applicable Privacy Law.
This Policy and our Cookie Policy refer to all users, including those who use the Site and the Services without having registered, subscribed or used any specific service.
The Company collects (1) data that you have voluntarily shared with us and (2) data relating to your activity on the Site or your interactions with the Services. In particular, the Company collects the following types of data:
1. Contact information (name, postal address, email address and mobile or other telephone number)
Age or date of birth
Username and password, nickname / screen name
Payment information (such as payment card number, expiration date and card security code)
Shipping and billing information (such as delivery address and billing address)
Purchase history
Product preferences Your skin type / skin condition
Its physical characteristics and its skin care problems
Information or content provided by you (such as photographs, videos, reviews, articles, questions, survey responses and comments)
Information you provide to us through our social media pages or one of our mobile applications when you visit our social media pages or use one of our mobile applications (such as your name, profile picture, likes, location, friends list and other information described on our social page.
2. Activity data: while accessing or interacting with the Site and the Services, we may collect some information on such visits.
For example, to allow connection to the Site or Services, our servers receive and record information on the visitor's computer, device and browser including the IP address, browser type and, potentially, other information on the software and hardware used.
If accessed from a mobile or other device, the unique identifier assigned to it can be detected. Cookies and other first or third party tracking technologies can also be used, which can also be used to collect and store information on the use of the Site or Services - such as pages visited, content viewed, searches made and advertisements liked. Further information is contained in our Cookie Policy.
We process the personal data collected from you and about you for:
a) Allow you to register on the Site, use the Site and our Services;
b) evaluate and improve the use of our Services and the user experience while browsing the Site;
c) provide you with assistance and manage correspondence and service communications with you;
d) follow up on your purchase request, with reference to the processing of the request and to the legal, administrative, accounting and tax obligations related to the purchase;
e) fulfill legal obligations and respond to requests from public and state authorities;
f) verify the completeness, validity and correctness of the data provided, also in order to protect the rights of the Company and others: more specifically, (ii) to protect the security and privacy of users of the Site or Services; and (ii) to protect against computer fraud;
g) with your optional consent, to send you commercial communications and announcements on Green Energy Organics products and events by automated means (sms, mms, e-mail, telephone calls without operator, etc.) and not automated (telephone calls with operator or paper correspondence ).
Where the data collected from or about you does not identify you personally, we may use that information for additional purposes or share it with third parties.
The processing of personal data for the purposes of:
a) paragraph 3, letters a), b), c) and d) of this Privacy Policy is necessary for the management of the website and the provision of the Services;
b) paragraph 3, letter e) of this Privacy Policy is mandatory as required by applicable legislation;
c) paragraph 3, letter f) of this Privacy Policy is based on the legitimate interest of the Company, if any;
d) paragraph 3, letter g) of this Privacy Policy is carried out on the basis of the user's optional consent.
These data processing activities are not mandatory and the user can oppose them or withdraw consent (where required) at any time using the methods described in paragraph 10 of this Privacy Policy. It is not mandatory to provide the requested data but failure to provide them makes it impossible to register on the Site, to manage your request or to start and continue the purchases you intend to make.

The Company processes personal data for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes envisaged in accordance with the previous paragraph 3. In any case, the following retention periods apply:
a) the data collected for the purposes referred to in paragraph 3, lett. from a), b), c) and d) are kept for the period strictly necessary to allow the user to use the website or the Services;
b) the data collected for the purposes referred to in paragraph 3, lett. e) are kept for ten (10) years in order to comply with applicable laws and regulations;
c) the data collected for the purposes referred to in paragraph 3, lett. f) are kept for the period strictly necessary to pursue the legitimate interests of the Company;
d) the data collected for the purposes referred to in paragraph 3, lett. g) are kept for the period strictly necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were originally collected and, in any case, are deleted once the user no longer interacts with our Site or withdraws consent.
For the purposes indicated above, the data are processed electronically and manually, and are protected by adequate security measures. In this regard, although the Company applies adequate administrative, technical and physical measures to safeguard the data in your possession from loss, theft, unauthorized use, dissemination and modification, it cannot guarantee the exclusion of all possible IT risks.
For purposes consistent with those indicated in paragraph 3 of this Privacy Policy, the Company may share personal data with the following categories of recipients, in compliance and within the limits of the provisions of the following paragraph 7:
a) Other Companies that collaborate with the Brand, where necessary and if the aforementioned conditions exist, will be promptly specified. Failure to provide such optional data will in any case not prevent the continuation of your online purchase.
b) Third party service providers to whom processing activities are entrusted and duly appointed data processors or sub-processors if required by the applicable legislation (e.g. cloud service providers, providers of services instrumental to or in support of the Services - and therefore, by way of example and without limitation, banking institutions for the management of payments and receipts relating to purchases, companies that provide IT services, direct-marketing service providers, experts, consultants and lawyers, companies deriving from any mergers, divisions or other transformation);
c) National competent authorities in compliance with applicable legislation.
We may transfer the personal data we collect about you to our affiliates and third party service providers in countries other than the country where the information was originally collected (including the United States), where necessary to fulfill the purposes described in this Notice. . Your personal data may be processed and stored outside your country of residence. When we transfer such information to other countries, we will protect such information in compliance with the provisions of articles 44 and following of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, implementing the appropriate safeguards to ensure a correct level of data protection during the transfer of data. personal data. Specifically, your personal data will be transferred only in the presence:
  •   data transfer agreements incorporating the European Commission's Standard Contractual Clauses (our service providers operating in the United States are certified to do so);
  •   an Adequacy Decision, i.e. if the European Commission has decided that the third country to which the data will be transferred guarantees an adequate level of protection;
  •   of transfers to the United States in compliance with the Privacy Shield, as established by the United States Department of Commerce and the European Commission regarding the collection, use and storage of personal data transferred from the European Economic Area to the United States or to other applicable data transfer mechanisms.
The Site is not aimed at persons under the age of 18 and the Company does not knowingly collect personal data from minors.
You have and / or can exercise the following rights at any time, free of charge:
a) the right to be informed about the purposes and methods of the processing;
b) right of access;
c) the right to obtain a copy of the data held abroad and information on the place where they are stored;
d) the right to request the updating, rectification or integration of data;
e) the right to request the deletion, anonymization or freezing of data;
f) the right to object to the processing, in whole or in part, even where it is carried out by means of an automated decision-making process, including profiling;
g) right to withdraw consent to data processing freely and at any time;
h) the right to contact the data protection officer, if applicable;
i) the right to lodge a complaint with the competent national data protection authority or judicial authorities;
j) right to data portability (ie to receive an electronic copy of personal data concerning you, for any transfer to you or to another owner);
k) right to limit the processing.
The data controller is Green Energy Organics, with registered office in Via Plinio 13, Milan (MI), Italy.
Please send any communications relating to this Notice to the Data Controller's operational headquarters, located in Rho Via Italo Calvino 7, Rho Milano (MI), email
The Brand has designated a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted at the following e-mail address: or at the address in Rho Via Italo Calvino 7, Rho Milano (MI)
The Privacy Policy is subject to changes and updates and the version currently in force is the one published on the Site. Changes to the Privacy Policy are communicated through publication on the Site. Please check the Privacy Policy periodically to be informed of any changes.

Copyright © Green Energy Organics All rights reserved.
This Site (hereinafter the "Site"), considered in its entirety, as well as all the material contained therein, is protected by copyright, trademark and / or other intellectual property rights. This material is owned by Green Energy Organics.
This material includes, by way of example only, photographs, images, illustrations, texts, videos, sound recordings, drawings, logos, trademarks, the distinctive elements called trade dress or any other material contained in this Site, as well as the software used to design and create the Site itself.
All rights reserved in all countries of the world.
The Green Energy Organics name and trademark, logos, and all other characteristic signs related to Green Energy Organics reproduced on the Site, whether registered or not, are trademarks or service marks of Green Energy Organics.
The material contained on the Site is presented for informational or promotional purposes only.
The use of the Site is permitted exclusively for private, personal and non-commercial purposes.
It is also permitted to download or copy the material on this Site for personal and non-commercial use only; however, this does not give you any right, ownership or interest in the downloaded or copied material or software.
It is not allowed to reproduce (for purposes other than personal and non-commercial use), publish, transmit, distribute, display, remove, delete, add or in any other way modify the Site, the material contained therein or the related software, as well as create works inspired by them, sell them or take part in their sale.
Any other use of the material contained in this Site is strictly prohibited, including reproduction for purposes other than use, modification, distribution or republication for personal and non-commercial purposes, without the prior written authorization of Green Energy Organics.

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